““Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns continues to damage our democracy each and every day. He has shattered American norms of transparency and left the public in the dark about his conflicts of interest. It is time to turn a former bedrock principle of American presidential elections into law so this never happens again. ”

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“The GOP’s new tax proposal is yet another affront to working families struggling to make ends meet. For generations, the Republican economic agenda has been designed to benefit the very wealthy at the expense of everyone else—and this new tax proposal is no different.”
“On Thursday, a coalition of liberal groups led by Tax March took out a full-page ad in The New York Times urging House Democrats to obtain and make public the returns.”
“The law also slathered money on corporations. Contrast the temporary tax cut of a few percentage points for individuals with the permanent 40 percent tax cut for corporations. Voters seemed to think the tax code changes were meant not for them but for businesses.”
“Big Pharma Gets $3.3 Billion Tax Cut From GOP, Continues Exploiting Patients to Enrich Executives”