““Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns continues to damage our democracy each and every day. He has shattered American norms of transparency and left the public in the dark about his conflicts of interest. It is time to turn a former bedrock principle of American presidential elections into law so this never happens again. ”

Repeal the TrumpTax Because Working Americans Deserve Better
Despite overwhelming objections from the public, Congress passed the GOP’s tax scam bill late last year, increasing taxes for 92 million middle-class families, raising health care premiums, and threatening life-saving programs – all to give massive tax breaks to the rich. Working people, whether white, black, or brown, deserve better. As Republicans consider even further tax breaks for the rich, we must join together to fight back!

92,000,000 The number of middle-class families that received a tax increase under the Republican tax plan.
$148,260 The average tax cut the top 0.1 percent get under the new tax law.
84% The percentage of Americans who favor raising taxes on the mega rich.
67% The percentage of Americans who believe corporations pay too little in taxes.