With Senate Set to Vote, Opposition To Republican Tax Plan Continues to Build Nationwide

Local And National Events Highlight Widespread Aversion To Tax Scam

The Message Is Clear: Not One Penny In Tax Cuts For Millionaires, Billionaires, And Wealthy Corporations

Thursday, November 30, 2017


Washington D.C. — Ahead of the Senate vote on the harmful plan to cut taxes on millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations while raising taxes for the middle class and cutting essential programs that working families need, grassroots resistance continues to expand nationwide. The Not One Penny coalition, along with dozens of partners from across the country, has coordinated more than 500 events over the past two months, with dozens more to come as the Senate is set to vote.

With hundreds of events in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Ohio, California and other states across the country, the message from everyday Americans is clear: not one penny in tax cuts for big corporations and wealthy donors on the backs of the middle class.

Upcoming events include a ‘People’s Filibuster’ starting at 3:00PM ET on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol and going until the Senate votes on the Republican tax bill (watch live), and a ‘Protecting Working Families Tour’ with Bernie Sanders this weekend.

Below are key clips from grassroots events across the nation.

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Time: ‘Hell Hath No Fury Like Hungry Grad Students.’ Protests Against GOP Tax Bill Hit 40 Universities

Salon: GOP’s Senate tax bill met with protests across country

SoCal Daily: Rep. Steve Knight ducks responsibility, hopes Senate will fix bad tax bill he supported

Tucson Weekly: Tucsonans Travel to D.C. To Argue Against the Republican Tax Bill

CBS Roanoke: Group rallies against proposed tax bill in downtown Roanoke

LA Times: Graduate students at USC, UCLA, Caltech join national protest against GOP bill they say will significantly hike their taxes

NPR Oklahoma: For OU Grad Students, Taxing Tuition Waivers As Income Could Mean Putting Life On Hold

The Gazette: ‘An all-out war on higher education’ Iowa university presidents pen letter, students protest against tax-reform bill

Daily Collegian: Members of Penn State community engage in nationwide protest against proposed tax plan

University Daily Kansan: KU graduate students stage ‘walk out’ to protest impending tax bill

Think Progress: Faith leaders arrested as major religious groups rally against the GOP tax reform bill