STATEMENT: Paul Ryan Retires, Runs Away From TrumpTax He Forced Through Congress
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, following the announcement that House Speaker Paul Ryan will not seek re-election, Tax March Executive Director Nicole Gill released the following statement on behalf of the Not One Penny coalition:
“Paul Ryan and his Republican colleagues in Congress looted from the American people to line their pockets and further enrich their wealthy donors. That Ryan is retiring after forcing the TrumpTax through Congress—a bill said to be the GOP’s signature legislative achievement—shows just how unpopular this tax law is.
“No one has done more to codify a tax system that puts the rich first and America’s working families last than Paul Ryan and his Republican Congress. From raising taxes on a majority of middle-class Americans to give tax breaks to the richest Americans and wealthiest corporations, to attempting to rip health care away from 23 million Americans, Paul Ryan’s leadership in Congress has centered on rigging the system even further in favor of millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations.
“But the American people have rallied through the rain and marched through the streets in opposition to Paul Ryan’s legislative agenda—and we won’t stop until his fellow Republicans leave Congress, too. This Tax Day, we will ensure that Paul Ryan and the congressional Republicans who voted for the TrumpTax once again hear the voices of the taxpayers they stole from as we hold them accountable for their votes.”
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