STATEMENT: Not One Penny Reacts to Republican Attempts To Give Another Round Of Tax Breaks To The Wealthy
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Washington, D.C. — In response to reports that Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans are considering introducing legislation that would give wealthy individuals another round of tax breaks, Not One Penny spokesperson Tim Hogan released the following statement:
“After jamming their first bill through to give tax breaks to the wealthiest individuals and corporations at the expense of the middle class, Republicans are coming back for more. This time, they want to give the Koch Brothers and their other well-connected donors even more permanent tax breaks. Just like Paul Ryan said today, this only emboldens Republican efforts to gut Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare — programs that working families across this country depend on.
“On April 15th, the anniversary of the Tax March, organizers across the country, in more than 100 cities, will hold protests demanding that Donald Trump release his tax returns, and fight for a fair economy that works for everyone.”
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