STATEMENT: GOP Tax Law Hurting Minnesota Families While Enriching The Wealthy
Thursday, August 30, 2018
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, in response to Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Bloomington, Minnesota promoting the GOP tax law to donors, Not One Penny spokesperson and Minnesotan Ryan Thomas released the following statement:
“As Vice President Pence tours the country attempting to sell the American people on the GOP’s tax law, he has been met with outrage and concern from a public that sees the law for what it is: a scam that steals from our families and our communities.
“It is morally reprehensible that Vice President Pence continues to lie to Minnesotans about the impacts of this tax plan, which not only increases the cost of health care but actually raises taxes on middle-class families across the state.
“Instead of supporting small businesses like my parents’ or funding the public schools my sister teaches in, Republicans passed a tax law that enriches the wealthiest individuals and biggest corporations—and the GOP must be held accountable.”
Key facts on the impacts of Republicans’ tax law in Minnesota:
Since the tax law was passed, 7,556 workers have been notified of layoffs in the state.
By undermining the Affordable Care Act, the tax law will result in 226,900 Minnesotans losing access to affordable health care.
Nearly 1 in 4 Minnesota households—over 690,000 families—will see a tax increase thanks to the TrumpTax when the law is fully phased in.
Next year, Minnesota families facing a tax hike will see their taxes increase by $1,160 on average.
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