Senate Vote Amplifies Torrent of Opposition to Republican Tax Plan
Public Dissent Stronger Than Ever With Over 250,000 Americans Taking ‘Not One Penny’ Pledge
More Than 600 Events Coordinated Thus Far in Over 40 States
Monday, December 4, 2017
Washington D.C. — With well over half-a-million phone calls to Republican offices and a quarter million anti-tax bill pledge signers, the Not One Penny coalition has galvanized grassroots resistance against the toxic tax bill passed in the Senate. Following the Senate’s shameful vote, thousands more have mobilized against these disastrous tax bills that give tax breaks for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations while raising taxes on middle-class families.
The Not One Penny coalition, along with dozens of partners from across the country, has coordinated more than 500 events over the past two months, with more than 100 planned for December. More than 650,000 phone calls have been made to Republican offices during this bill’s time in Congress, and more than 250,000 people have signed a pledge expressing to their Representatives resolute opposition to the GOP tax scam.
Among the public, the tax plan is massively unpopular and is becoming a liability for those who voted for the largest middle-class tax hike in a generation. With events in Kentucky, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and numerous other states across the country, the message from everyday Americans is clear: not one penny in tax cuts for big corporations and wealthy donors on the backs of the middle class.
Grassroots actions continue to materialize from coast to coast, and a list of some of the upcoming events can be found here.
Below are key clips from grassroots events across the nation.
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Mic: From phone campaigns to screaming street protests, Republicans are “under siege” over their tax plan
NCR: Religious leaders reject GOP tax bill, call for ‘faithful budget’
Boston Globe: Back Bay protesters voice opposition to Senate tax bill
NECN: Local Reactions to Senate Tax Overhaul Vote
The Oklahoman: Lankford, Inhofe vote for Senate tax cut package
WDVM: “Not One Penny” campaign creates ad against GOP tax plan
Miami Herald: Progressive group targets Carlos Curbelo over tax bill
CBS Roanoke: Group rallies against proposed tax bill in downtown Roanoke
Fox Sacramento: ‘Not One Penny’ Rally
CBS Bakersfield: Rally Against GOP Tax Plan
ABC Los Angeles: Protest Outside Congressman’s Office
Louisville Courier-Journal: Bernie Sanders is coming back to Louisville this week to rally against the Republican tax plan
ABC Louisville: Sen. Bernie Sanders to stop in Louisville for ‘Protecting Working Families Tour’
Dayton Daily News: Bernie Sanders in Dayton Saturday for rally against tax plan
Akron Beacon Journal: Bernie Sanders scorches Trump tax plan in Akron
Allentown Morning Call: In Reading, Bernie Sanders warns: Social Security, Medicare next target of GOP
Reading Eagle: Bernie Sanders rally against GOP tax plan draws over 1,600 to venue in Reading
NBC News: Bernie Sanders hits the trail again, this time to fight GOP tax bill
Washington Post: ‘This is class warfare’: Tax vote sparks political brawl over populism that will carry into 2018 elections
Huffington Post: Bernie Sanders Warns GOP That America Is Waking Up To Giveaways For The Rich