NEW NOT ONE PENNY BILLBOARD: AT&T Pocketed TrumpTax Profits, Laid Off Workers

Wealthy Texas Corporations Use TrumpTax to Proceed with Massive Layoffs

Thursday, March 8, 2018


DALLAS, Texas – Today, Not One Penny unveiled a new billboard in Dallas exposing the TrumpTax lie: Despite fervent promises, Republicans’ tax cuts for wealthy corporations won’t translate into benefits for working families. Case in point is the Dallas-headquartered AT&T, which despite receiving a massive TrumpTax break turned around and laid off more than 1,300 workers with the final count running into the thousands.

The Dallas billboard exposes the lie that the TrumpTax benefits the middle class and urges Texans to hold Republicans accountable for voting to cut taxes for the already wealthy on the backs of Texas’s working families.

“The notion that massive tax breaks for wealthy corporations would translate into benefits for the middle class is and always has been a lie,” said Not One Penny Spokesperson Tim Hogan. “Wealthy corporations are instead choosing to move forward with layoffs at the expense of working families, all while sitting on record profits. Shame on President Trump and the Republicans who voted for this poorly disguised giveaway for the rich. Texas workers will hold them accountable.”

Dallas billboard v3.jpg

The Tax Policy Center found that 92 million middle income families across America will pay more in taxes, while the richest 0.1 percent will get a nearly $150,000 tax break with the TrumpTax. Millions will also see a 10 percent increase in health insurance premiums and our commitment to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will be undermined.

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