NEW NOT ONE PENNY BILLBOARD: Any Way You Slice It, TrumpTax Is A Bad Deal For Iowans
TrumpTax Break Rewards Wealthy at the Expense of Iowa’s Working Families
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
DES MOINES, IA – This week, Not One Penny released a new billboard in Des Moines implicating Congressman David Young (IA-03) for his vote to give millionaires, billionaires and wealthy corporations a tax cut on the backs of working Iowans.
As the new billboard highlights, Republicans’ newest tax cut for the rich will not pay the dividends for working families that Donald Trump promised. In fact, when fully phased-in, eighty-three percent of the TrumpTax breaks will go to the top one percent.
The Des Moines billboard exposes the lie that this tax cut benefits the middle class and urges constituents to hold Congressman Young accountable for supporting tax cuts for the already wealthy on the backs of Iowa’s working families.
“The TrumpTax was marketed as a boon for the middle class while in reality it lines the pockets of the wealthiest few at the expense of working families,” said Not One Penny spokesperson Tim Hogan. “Iowans deserve better from their elected officials, and will hold Congressman Young accountable for his vote to undermine the well-being of Iowa’s families.”
The Tax Policy Center found that 92 million middle income families across America will pay more in taxes, while the richest 0.1 percent will get a nearly $150,000 tax break with the TrumpTax. Millions will see a 10 percent increase in health insurance premiums and our commitment to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will be undermined.
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