New Anti-TrumpTax Billboard Highlights Ohio Layoffs
Walmart Laid off Hundreds of Cincinnatians Despite Large Tax Break
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
CINCINNATI – Despite receiving lavish corporate tax breaks from the Republican tax plan, Walmart recently announced the closure of 63 U.S. Sam’s Club stores and the layoff of 9,000 American employees, including 285 workers in Cincinnati.
Not One Penny has erected a billboard on I-71 to bring attention to these layoffs and demand that Republicans repeal their tax plan that doles out huge tax breaks for corporations that lay off American workers and offshore jobs.
“Corporate insiders are celebrating their new tax cuts by laying off Ohio workers and shipping jobs overseas,” said Not One Penny Spokesperson Robyn Patterson. “These corporations are handing out corporate bonuses with one hand, and pink slips to Ohio families with the other. It’s time we stop rewarding wealthy corporations for laying off hard-working Americans and shipping our jobs overseas.”
The new billboard corresponds with Wednesday’s For Our Future and Repeal the TrumpTax press conference at the recently closed Sam’s Club at 4825 Marburg Ave in Cincinnati. At that event, local leaders and community members will illustrate how the Republican tax plan gives massive tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations, while ordinary workers pay the price though higher taxes, higher health care costs, job cuts, and budget cuts to programs working families rely on.
[LOCATION: Southbound right at the intersection of I-71 and St. Rt. 562]
The Tax Policy Center found that 92 million middle income families across America will pay more in taxes, while the richest 0.1 percent will get a nearly $150,000 tax break with the TrumpTax. Millions will see a 10 percent increase in health insurance premiums and our commitment to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will be undermined.
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