In Cleveland Tomorrow, President Trump Must Explain Why Nearly 8,000 Ohio Workers Have Been Told They’re Getting Laid Off Since the Passage of His Tax Bill
Friday, May 4, 2018
WASHINGTON, DC — Not One Penny spokesperson Tim Hogan released the following statement on President Trump’s visit to Cleveland tomorrow to promote the GOP tax bill:
“Since the passage of the President’s bill to give the largest corporations in America billions in tax breaks, nearly 8,000 Ohio workers have been told they’re losing their jobs. He should ask the families of these laid-off workers how these massive corporate tax cuts have been trickling down.”
According to official state WARN data, 7,795 Ohio workers have been told they’re losing their jobs since the Trump tax plan was signed into law. Not included in the WARN data are an additional 241 workers in Cleveland who will lose their jobs by the end of the year when the Philips Healthcare plant in the area gets shut down.
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