Congressional Republicans Face Continued Backlash From Constituents, More Than 640 Events Coordinated in Two Months

Groundswell of Public Opposition Spreads Across the Nation

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Washington D.C. — As congressional Republicans work to push forward their disastrous tax bill, opposition against the tax scam and backlash following the Senate vote continues to grow even stronger. Over the past two months, the Not One Penny coalition has coordinated more than 640 events, with over 250 actions during the week of the Senate vote alone. Constituents from across the country continue to mobilize, with more than 650,000 phone calls made to Republican offices and more than 250,000 people signing a pledge demanding their representatives say not one penny in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations at their expense.

With events in Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, and other states across the country, the message from everyday Americans is clear: the people are demanding not one penny in tax cuts for big corporations and wealthy donors on the backs of the middle class.

Recent analysis of the wildly unpopular bill shows that more than 83 million middle-class families will see tax increases under Republicans’ plan, while the top 1 percent will see an average tax cut of $26,880. The bill itself is becoming a liability for those legislators who voted for the largest middle-class tax hike in a generation. The fact is: the more that voters hear about the plan, the less they like it. The American public sees the Republican tax plan for what it is: a giveaway for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations.

Grassroots actions are cropping up from coast to coast, and a list of some of additional upcoming events can be found here.

Below are key clips from grassroots events across the nation.

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Burlington County Times: Protesters demonstrate against GOP tax bill in Evesham

APP: Toms River protest attacks GOP tax reform

Cedar Rapids Gazette: 1st District Democrats plan cardboard cutout of Blum for town hall meeting

Aurora Sentinel: Polling shows Mike Coffman vulnerable in part because of GOP tax-reform vote

Iowa Starting Line: “Not One Penny” Group Aims Ads At David Young, Rod Blum For Tax Bill

The Morning Call: In Reading, Bernie Sanders warns: Social Security, Medicare next target of GOP

Reading Eagle: Bernie Sanders rally against GOP tax plan draws over 1,600 to venue in Reading

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